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AutoIt Changelog
================ (13th August, 2006) (Release)
- Fixed: (AU3INFO) Buffer overrun in control code.
- Fixed: Exe2Aut.exe was missing its digital signature.
3.2.0 (12th August, 2006) (Release)
- Added: COM object support.
- Added: Aut2Exe can now created .a3x encoded files (similar to .zip for .au3).
- Added: Support for custom tray icons.
- Added: "default" keyword.
- Added: IsKeyword() so "default" keyword can be used as parameter in a user function call.
- Added: Boolean support and keywords of 'false' and 'true'.
- Added: IsBool()
- Added: +=, -=, *=, /= operators.
- Added: DLLCall() cdecl and stdcall support.
- Added: DLLStruct... functions.
- Added: Limited TCP and UDP functions.
- Added: Added support for reading and writing stdio.
- Added: ConsoleRead(), ConsoleWriteError().
- Added: Ability to initialize arrays in DIM and CONST keywords.
- Added: Switch, EndSwitch structure.
- Added: HWnd() and IsHWnd() functions.
- Added: BinaryString(), IsBinaryString() functions.
- Added: FileCreateNTFSLink().
- Added: /AutoIt3ExecuteScript command line option.
- Added: Call() now supports parameters.
- Added: Execute()
- Added: @HotKeyPressed macro.
- Added: Unary NOT operations on strings are now allowed. A NOT operation on a non-empty string will result in FALSE.
- Added: Beep() and WinFlash() functions.
- Added: Floor() and Ceiling() functions.
- Added: SetError can optionally set @extended.
- Added: RegRead, RegEnumVal return the type of the value in @extended.
- Added: FileSaveDialog(), FileOpenDialog() supports multiple filter groups.
- Added: @ScriptLineNumber, @ProcessorArch, @AutoItPID.
- Added: BitRotate().
- Added: Fileopen(), FileCopy(), FileMove() additional flags to create non existent subfolders.
- Added: FileRead(), FileWrite() work with binary files.
- Added: (GUI) GUICtrlSetData text for treeview.
- Added: (GUI) $WS_EX_MDICHILD support for GUICreate().
- Added: (GUI) GUICtrlCreateGraphic(), GUICtrlSetGraphic().
- Added: (GUI) Opt('GUIEventOptions',1) to suppress window action when clicking on Minimize,restore or Maximize buttons.
- Added: (GUI) Right-click support for List/Treeview GUI control.
- Added: (GUI) GuiCtrlRead return ControlID if Opt("GUIEventCompatibilityMode',2).
- Added: (GUI) GUICtrlCreateMonthCal().
- Added: (GUI) Opt("GUIDataSeparatorChar",...).
- Added: (GUI) GUICtrlCreateObj().
- Added: (GUI) GUICtrlSetColor(), GUICtrlSetBkColor(), GUICtrlSetImage() for ListviewItem controls.
- Added: (GUI) GuiSwitch tabitemID optional parameter to allow dynamic control creation on a tabitem.
- Added: (GUI) GuiCtrlListView support Icon view.
- Added: (GUI) $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG Allow the label or pic control to be used as the title bar to drag the whole the parent window.
- Added: (GUI) GUICtrlGetHandle().
- Added: (GUI) GuiSetCursor(16),GuiCtrlSetCursor(16) hide the cursor.
- Added: (GUI) Allow Dragfile to any control. @GUI_DRAGFILE contain the filename to be used in the $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED.
- Added: (GUI) GUIRegisterMsg() to work with GUI WM_Message-routines at runtime.
- Added: (GUI) GUICtrlRegisterListViewSort() to create a real sorting routine for GUI ListView's.
- Added: (GUI) Icons for tab items.
- Added: (AU3INFO) AutoIt Windows Info : Now shows Style and exStyle values for the controls.
- Changed: #include search algorithm modified.
- Changed: The /c command line option has been replaced by /AutoIt3ExecuteLine.
- Changed: RegEnumKey and RegEnumVal return more precise @error to help diagnostic.
- Changed: Return,@error, @extended have to be explicit to be return by an UDF.
- Changed: FileFindFirstFile no longer returns "." or "..".
- Changed: Set _ to be a continuation character ONLY after whitespace.
- Changed: FileClose with an invalid handle no longer triggers an AutoIt runtime error.
- Changed: Fatal error message is now displayed if DLLCall cannot be executed.
- Changed: The default setting on Au3info was changed so that it doesn't highlight controls.
- Changed: RegEnumKey and RegEnumVal return more precise @error values to help diagnostics.
- Changed: "OnAutoItExit" function is now called on system shutdown or user logoff.
- Changed: Opt() with just the "option" will now return the current value for that option.
- Changed: DllCall @error is set when function not found.
- Changed: SplashTextOn() opt=32 to center vertically.
- Changed: (GUI) GUICtrlCreateList now forces the style LBS_NOTIFY.
- Changed: (GUI) GUICtrlCreateIcon default size is 32x32.
- Fixed: ContinueCase to keywords allowed after IF.
- Fixed: Mouse... invalid button definition. (Thanks vollyman)
- Fixed: IniDelete() could create an empty file if the file did not exist.
- Fixed: ToolTip Centering go around.
- Fixed: Menu/ContextMenu enable/disable.
- Fixed: Hotkey for filecreateshortcut.
- Fixed: MemGetStats >2Gb.
- Fixed: StringInStr return 0 when searching for "".
- Fixed: RegRead under Windows 2000.
- Fixed: Bad refresh on double GUICtrlSetPos.
- Fixed: ControlSend (...,"{CTRLDOWN}b{CTRLUP}).
- Fixed: ContextMenu position.
- Fixed: Made sure that declaring a UDF parameter in a Local or Global statement will raise an error.
- Fixed: File...Dialog browse through links.
- Fixed: ControlCommand "GetCurrentSelection".
- Fixed: Mouse... returns.
- Fixed: MouseClick, MouseUp bad behavior.
- Fixed: StringReplace("abc","","") returns 1 instead of "".
- Fixed: WinSetTrans returns error.
- Fixed: Assign not creating/assigning macro variable.
- Fixed: Assign respect Opt("MustDeclareVars",1).
- Fixed: @NumParams destroyed after UDF call.
- Fixed: MouseClickDelay option. (Fixed by Nutster)
- Fixed: Redim of array byRef parameter.
- Fixed: InputBox left,top values when not defined.
- Fixed: FileFindNextFile return error.
- Fixed: HWND string concatanation.
- Fixed: Exit inside UDF.
- Fixed: SendKeyDelay, SendKeyDownDelay when no shift required.
- Fixed: FileReadLine with line=0.
- Fixed: Listview sorting with using styles: $LVS_SORTASCENDING and $LVS_SORTDESCENDING.
- Fixed: StringLen(integer) returning 0.
- Fixed: Reg... functions on IA64/X64.
- Fixed: FileFindFirstFile() leak handles.
- Fixed: @IpAddress when not network installed.
- Fixed: FileCopy, FileInstall, DirCopy, FileMove replacing the same file.
- Fixed: FileClose,FileFindNextFile, FileRead, FileReadLine, FileWrite, FileWriteLine, PluginClose, DllClose return 0 on bad handle.
- Fixed: FileCopy when creating subdir.
- Fixed: String... on nonstring parameters.
- Fixed: Float to Integer precision.
- Fixed: Bad FatalError after Exit in UDF. Only the first FatalError will be displayed if any before Exit.
- Fixed: Integer to string conversion.
- Fixed: StringMid($a,3).
- Fixed: StringSplit($a,"").
- Fixed: Refreshing of dispayed tabitem after a tabitem delete.
- Fixed: StringSplit($a," - ",1) string delimiter.
- Fixed: Return code from delayed function as WinWait destroyed by Adlib execution.
- Fixed: FileInstall on same dir.
- Fixed: Func definition with Byref and default value.
- Fixed: FileRead returning @error=-1 on empty file.
- Fixed: INetGetSize, INetGet @error return.
- Fixed: Run("a.tmp") a.tmp being a compiled script.
- Fixed: StringSplit("a : b + "," : ").
- Fixed: #include-once in main script.
- Fixed: PixelSearch performance.
- Fixed: HotKeySet("",...) return 0.
- Fixed: ExpandVarStrings $$, ExpandEnvStrings %%.
- Fixed: FileInstall in a compiled script whose name is not .exe or .a3x.
- Fixed: RegRead return right number of fields on REG_MULTI_SZ type.
- Fixed: FileRead($handle).
- Fixed: ElseIf ... Then statement not detected.
- Fixed: Illegal #include with no error message.
- Fixed: SplashTextOn Memory Leak.
- Fixed: #include recursion depth enforced.
- Fixed: @OSVERSION for WIN_XP running under X64 edition.
- Fixed: Comparison case insensitive accentuated upper case.
- Fixed: DriveMapDel /DriveMapAdd interaction.
- Fixed: RegRead MULTI_REG_SZ malformed key.
- Fixed: For Next with boundary,stepping being a string (no conversion to integer).
- Fixed: InetGet() could block the foreground execution even when run in background mode.
- Fixed: WinGetProcess and ProcessExist return same pid precision.
- Fixed: InetGet("abort") and exiting AutoIt with a download in progres now correctly stop the download immediately.
- Fixed: @InetGetBytesRead Byte count could be wrong due to a race condition.
- Fixed: DirCreate not creating subdir on dir with read/hidden/system attributes.
- Fixed: FileSetAttrib, FileSetTime destroy @workingdir.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetImage for 16x16 icon not repainting.
- Fixed: (GUI) The use of $GUI_GR_RECT and $GUI_GR_ELLIPSE under fixed under Win98.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUI Edit/Input control change notification.
- Fixed: (GUI) Avoid GuiSwitch when only one remain.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUI Multiple files drag & drop on edit/input control.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUI Colors on edit/input control.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetImage return 0 on error.
- Fixed: (GUI) crash Autoit when click on header button of a listview control.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlState(@SW_MAXIMIZE or @SW_RESTORE).
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetStyle ES_READONLY on input/edit control.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlCreateTab disapearing.
- Fixed: (GUI) Resizing of GUI Combo control.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetData for list or combo not inserting.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetState for Menu/menuitem.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlDelete of a Listview control lead to crash after recreation with more columns.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem with more field than column.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUISetFont and Input Control not displayed.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlRead return on expanded TreeviewItem.
- Fixed: (GUI) Windows centering of GUICreate.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetPos on Icon control.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiGetCursorInfo on tab.
- Fixed: (GUI) Some flickering in GUICtrlSetImage.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetState on non active tab.
- Fixed: (GUI) TreeviewItem notify when clicking a second time on the same item.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetData on inactive tabitem not refreshing active item.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetState on control tab.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetState disable on hidden control tab.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiGetCursorInfo with nonactive GUI.
- Fixed: (GUI) Bug with accelerator keys (Alt+...) and tabs.
- Fixed: (GUI) Treeview painting under OS <XP.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetData with float value.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetImage repainting.
- Fixed: (GUI) Weird behavior when resizing column of listview on a tab.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetState($tabitem,$GUI_SHOW) on visible GUI.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiGetCursorInfo primary/secondary under nonXP.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSendMsg, TraySetState doc link.
- Fixed: (GUI) Crash when deleting an input control.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlCreateCombo and $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST color.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlCreateDate and $DTS_UPDOWN.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUI click return position.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiGetMsg returning on Input control change.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlCreateInput/Edit forcing WS_TABSTOP when ES_READONLY.
- Fixed: (GUI) Resizing of controls dynamically created.
- Fixed: (GUI) a small flickering bug in CtrlSetImage() for treeview items.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetPos, GuiCtrlSetResizing use visible window.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlCreateIcon icon size in multiple icon .ico file.
- Fixed: (GUI) Pic control size inside a group control.
- Fixed: (GUI) listview repainting on tab.
- Fixed: (GUI) Memory overflow in customdraw operations in GUI while scrolling.
- Fixed: (GUI) Bad GuiCtrlSetResizing when no first show has occured.
- Fixed: (GUI) bkcolor label on tab if ListViewItem.
- Fixed: (GUI) $SS_CENTERIMAGE on pic control.
- Fixed: (GUI) AutoIt Crash when creating a control on a minimized window.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetImage icon.
- Fixed: (GUI) Grey coloring of input/edit control when disabled.
- Fixed: (GUI) Crash after GUICtrldelete of a control having the focus.
- Fixed: (GUI) UICreate with WS_VISIBLE do an implicit GUISetState().
- Fixed: (GUI) Background label bad firing when overlayed by an edit control.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetData can delete a specific column.
- Fixed: (GUI) memory leak on GuiDelete($tabitem with icon).
- Fixed: (GUI) GUI updown control notification if change with keyboard.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUIGetCursorInfo on listview header.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICreate WS_POPUP Centering.
- Fixed: (GUI) Bad Notification on end of drag when $GUI_DROPACCEPTED not set on a control.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUISetState(@SW_UNLOCK) force repainting.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetState $GUI_SHOW on tab with $TCS_BUTTON style.
- Fixed: (GUI) Bad tabitem creation when no tab defined.
- Fixed: (GUI) Bad combo disable 16-bit color under W2K.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUISetBKColor freezing the display.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICreate $WS_CHILD+$WS_VISIBLE w=0 or h=0 lead to crash AutoIt.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlCreatePic w=h=0.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlRead menuitem checked.
- Fixed: (GUI) Labels were not painted correctly on tab controls.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetState(tabitem,@SW_SHOW) under creation bad tabitem display.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetData on listview/listviewItem bad erasing.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetImage on a GUI defined with $WS_VISIBLE.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetState( ,$GUI_FOCUS) changing tab ordering. Need to create a new state $GUI_ONTOP.
- Fixed: (GUI) Extra notification on first/default control after GUISetState().
- Fixed: (GUI) Event notification on {enter} on an edit control.
- Fixed: (GUI) $GUI_EVENT_MOUSE firing without any mouse movement.
- Fixed: (GUI) GuiCtrlSetState( ,$GUI_FOCUS) on button repainting.
- Fixed: (GUI) Drag&Drop of listviewitem onto another listview. $GUI_ACCEPTFILES has been renamed in $GUI_DROPACCEPTED.
- Fixed: (GUI) TabStop order.
- Fixed: (GUI) GUICtrlSetPos with a Child window.
3.1.1 (7th Apr, 2005) (Release)
- Fixed: @OSVersion did not work for Windows Server 2003
- Fixed: $LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT in GuiConstants.au3 was defined $LBS...
- Fixed: @YDAY was incorrect (one day out)
3.1.0 (7th Feb, 2005) (Release)
- Added: GUI creation capabilties
- Added: DllCall(), DllOpen(), DllClose()
- Added: ControlListView()
- Added: WinList()
- Added: DirGetSize()
- Added: IniReadSectionNames(), IniReadSection()
- Added: InetGet(), InetGetSize()
- Added: HttpSetProxy(), FtpSetProxy()
- Added: FtpBinaryMode (Option)
- Added: Ping()
- Added: ControlGetHandle()
- Added: WinGetProcess() and ProcessList()
- Added: SetExtended()
- Added: WinSetTrans()
- Added: Assign()
- Added: ConsoleWrite()
- Added: @AutoItExe macro
- Added: Const keyword
- Added: Optional parameter support for user functions
- Added: "main", "primary", "menu", "secondary" added as valid mouse button types
- Added: ExpandVarStrings (Option)
- Added: The user functions OnAutoItStart() and OnAutoItExit() are called during startup/exit
- Added: OnExitFunc (Option)
- Added: (Internal) Native HWND datatype added to variants
- Removed: URLDownloadToFile() (Replaced by InetGet())
- Changed: For loops automatically declare the counter variable as a Local variable
- Changed: IniDelete() can also delete entire sections
- Changed: StringReplace() also returns the number of replacements in the @extended macro
- Changed: StringMid() the "count" parameter is now optional (assumes remainder of the string)
- Changed: PixelChecksum() now has optional step parameter
- Changed: Control...() functions now accept the Control ID as an extra way to identify a control
- Changed: InetGet() function can download in the background
- Changed: Reg...() functions no longer give a hard error when an unknown key is used.
- Changed: The mouse and pixel functions now have an additional "client area" mode
- Changed: Added WIN_2003 to the possible values for @OS_VERSION
- Changed: AU3Spy.exe renamed to AU3Info.exe
- Changed: Major upgrades to the AutoIt Window Spy (control highlighting, magnify)
- Changed: FileSelectFolder supports an initial directory as well as a root directory
- Changed: File functions no longer give fatal errors when -1 is used as a handle
- Changed: (Internal) new quicker variable lookup using a binary tree
- Changed: (Internal) new shared process memory class used for StatusBarGetText()
- Changed: (Internal) Unified structure stacks (If, Func, Select, While, Do, For)
- Changed: (Internal) Variant rewrite (now handles int32, int64, double, string, HWND data)
- Fixed: Memory leak in SplashImageOn()
- Fixed: Expressions like "$var = $var" will now give an error if the variable wasn't previously defined
- Fixed: StringFormat() with \\ characters
- Fixed: Under rare situations after closing a script AutoIt3.exe would still appear in task manager for a while
- Fixed: Certain paths like @WindowsDir were incorrect under Windows Terminal Server
- Fixed: FileSetTime() systems in non-GMT timezones had incorrect results
- Fixed: FileMove() with UNC paths (does a real move when in the same dir rather than a copy).
- Fixed: ^ operator
- Fixed: Chr()
- Fixed: StatusBarGetText() failed when used with no "Text" parameter
- Fixed: InputBox() didn't return focus to the previously active window
3.0.102 (4th August, 2004) (Release)
- Major Change: Colors now default to the standard RGB format rather than the previous BGR format.
This affects PixelSearch, PixelGetColor.
The "ColorMode" option has been added to allow old scripts to run with the old BGR mode, just
place this line at the top of your script to use the old method:
Opt("ColorMode", 1)
- Added: DriveMapAdd(), DriveMapDel() and DriveMapGet()
- Added: FileGetShortcut()
- Added: Predefined $CmdLineRaw variable now holds the original command line in full
- Added: @DesktopDepth
- Added: ReDim
- Added: Command line option /ErrorStdOut
- Added: More command line params for Aut2Exe.exe: /nodecompile and /comp 0-4 (compression level, 4=best)
- Added: Process ID (PID) support for Process...() and Run() functions
- Added: ProcessSetPriority()
- Added: Decompiler (Exe2Aut) added
- Added: PixelChecksum()
- Added: Strings starting with "0x" are converted from hex when used numerically
- Added: Multi-directory #include <> paths
- Added: MouseWheel()
- Added: FileRecycleEmpty()
- Added: RegEnumKey() and RegEnumVal()
- Changed: TimerStart() renamed to TimerInit(). TimerStop() renamed to TimerDiff()
- Changed: FileSelectFolder() flag parameter changed
- Changed: REG_MULTI_SZ values allow double NULL values.
- Changed: BirOr(), BitAnd() and BitXOR() take up to 255 parameters
- Changed: Icon and windowstate options added to FileCreateShortcut()
- Changed: RunAsSet() supports extra profile handling options
- Changed: RegWrite() now accepts just the keyname in order to create a keyname with no value
- Changed: "Allow Decompilation" option added to Aut2Exe
- Changed: Aut2Exe gives feedback during compilation and gives the option to abort
- Changed: Compiled scripts run/extract much faster when using FileInstall and medium/large files
- Changed: Max number of user function limits removed
- Changed: Max number of variable limits removed
- Changed: -1 does no sleep at all for Send/Mouse delays (SendKeyDelay, etc...)
- Changed: Optional occurance parameter added to StringInStr()
- Changed: Optional default filename added to FileOpenDialog() and FileSaveDialog()
- Changed: Registry functions accept 4 letters keys (HKLM instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, etc.)
- Changed: Remote registry keys are accepted in the form "\\computername\key\subkey"
- Changed: AutoItSetOption returns the previous setting
- Changed: (Internal) Built-in function lookups completely rewritten
- Changed: (Internal) String functions speeded up (concat in astring and variants)
- Changed: (Internal) ControlSearch modified to include the windowsearch
- Fixed: FileGetSize() works on >2GB files and in-use files
- Fixed: The expression: If "non-blank" And 1 - now evaluates as true
- Fixed: /c command line use in compiled scripts
- Fixed: ToolTip() when the mouse is near the bottom of the screen
- Fixed: StringIsDigit()
- Fixed: Process... functions under NT4 unable to see certain processes
- Fixed: Some keywords incorrectly allowed after a THEN keyword
- Fixed: (Internal) Hotkey registering logic
3.0.101 (11th Mar, 2004) (Release)
- Added: MemGetStats()
- Fixed: Compatibility problem under Windows 95a
- Fixed: Some minor help file typos corrected
3.0.100 (29th Feb, 2004) (Release)
- Added: WinTextMatchMode (Option)
- Fixed: ExitLoop and ContinueLoop failed during a recursive function
- Fixed: Sleep(0) (or < 0 ) no longer hangs
- Fixed: $ with no name was allowed as a variable
- Fixed: For Loop bug when used in recursion
- Fixed: FileGetLongName() return value
- Fixed: @UserProfileDir under 9x
- Fixed: IsDeclared()
- Fixed: Random()
3.0.94 (21st Feb, 2004) (Beta)
SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGES for FileReadLine and FileWriteLine:
FileWriteLine now automatically writes a DOS @CRLF pair UNLESS the last character of
the string to write is already @CR or @LF (to make it possible to write non-DOS text files)
FileReadLine will correctly read a DOS, UNIX or MAC line (@CRLF, @LF and @CR terminated respectively).
FileWrite and FileRead added to add further support.
From: FileWriteLine($handle, "line" & @LF)
To: FileWriteLine($handle, "line" & @CRLF) or FileWriteLine($handle, "line")
From: FileWriteLine($handle, "line")
To: FileWrite($handle, "line")
- Added: FileWrite() and FileRead()
- Changed: FileReadLine() and FileWriteLine()
- Added: ToolTip()
- Added: Eval() and IsDeclared()
- Added: CaretCoordMode (AutoItSetOption)
- Added: WinGetCaretPos()
- Added: WinGetState()
- Added: MustDeclareVars (AutoItSetOption)
- Added: Editors page in help
- Changed: EnvSet()
- Changed: WinShow() renamed to WinSetState() (With WinShow() as an alias)
- Fixed: Splash() and moveable flag (and -1 default flag in options)
- Fixed: Odd elseif error message showing wrong line
- Fixed: Crashes with bad function calls: MsgBox(MsgBox(MsgBox))
- Fixed: HotKey crashes when unregistering a key that was not registered
- Fixed: (Internal) WinWaitDelay, SendKeyDelay, etc type commands now more accurate (previously only accurate to 10ms (NT) or 55ms (9x))
- Fixed: (Internal) Execute() recursion limit dropped to 384 levels
- FIxed: (Internal) Calls to Util_AttachThreadInput will not attach to hung windows
- Fixed: (Internal) some RegRead/RegWrite sizing problems (Ta, Chris)
3.0.93 (12th Feb, 2004)
- Added: SendAttachMode (AutoItSetOption)
- Added: Opt() is an alias for AutoItSetOption() :)
- Added: Doc updates
- Added: WinSearchChildren (AutoItSetOption)
- Changed: Splash and Progress functions have a "moveable" option
- Changed: StringStripWS (new strip all ws mode)
- Changed: InputBox (timeout param)
- Changed: Hot keys are no longer buffered when the script is paused.
- Fixed: REG_MULTI_SZ support
- Fixed: TrayIconDebug not showing correct filename
- Fixed: ControlClick, ControlCommand("CHECK")
- Fixed: Control functions now using return values rather than @error where appropriate.
- Fixed: Error with '' quotes in Aut2Exe
- Fixed: StringFormat()
- Fixed: Lexer checks that potential user function calls are for existing functions
- Fixed: Input thread attachment in Send() ( check Send("{... down}") still works)
- Changed: (Internal) Removed the only sscanf call and replaced with own code - saves 4KB.
3.0.92 (6th Feb, 2004)
Note: Script breaking changes to ControlLeftClick(), FileFindFirstFile(), SendSetCapslockState()
- Added: Dec()
- Added: BitNOT(), BitXOR(), BitShift()
- Added: TrayIconDebug (AutoItSetOption)
- Added: Dim single-line initialization and multiple variables
- Added WinTitleMatchMode 4 (AutoItSetOption)
- Added: #comments-start and #comments-end for multiline comments
- Added: DirCopy()
- Added: DirMove()
- Added: Controls will be checked by visible text as well as classname (waves to Chris :) )
- Removed: SendSetCapslockState() - Use Send("{CAPSLOCK on/off}")
- Changed: FileFind works differently (handles used and multiple finds now supported)
- Changed: ControlLeftClick() renamed to ControlClick() and options added.
- Changed: Window Spy options added and ability to freeze display
- Changed: StringSplit will return each char if delimiters are ""
- Changed: WinMenuSelectItem return value
- Changed: optional variation added to PixelSearch()
- Changed: optional step value added to PixelSearch()
- Changed: FileMove() overwrite flag added
- Changed: *.* assumed if a directory is used in FileCopy/FileMove/FileDelete
- Fixed: @TempDir under certain conditions
- Fixed: Hotkeys were ignored while another hotkey function was running
- Changed: (Internal) DirRemove changed
- Changed: (Internal) Sendkeys tweaked A LOT
3.0.91 (29th Jan, 2004)
- Added: Options: MouseClickDelay, MouseClickDownDelay, MouseClickDragDelay (AutoItSetOption)
- Added: REG_BINARY type for RegRead() and RegWrite()
- Added: FileChangeDir()
- Added: ControlCommand() - added GETCURRENTSELECTION
- Added: Added some standard library includes (See Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\)
- Added: SendKeyDownDelay (AutoItSetOption) (alters the amount a time a key is held down before released)
- Added: AutoIt returns an exit code of 1 if script could not be loaded
- Added: FileSetAttrib(), FileSetTime()
- Added: In Au3_Spy pixel colour is also shown in hex
- Fixed: While loops failing when used in recursive functions of themselves... (!?)
- Fixed: Small line coninuation _ bug
- Fixed: URLDownloadToFile()
- Fixed: FileRecycle() not always working
- Fixed: FileRecycle() return value
- Fixed: Relative #include use
- Fixed: Smart boolean comparision re-added
- Fixed: FileFindFirst() not releasing memory when called multiple times
- Changed: FileGetTime outputs strings with leading 0s when required
- Changed: Default value of Local/Global/Dim is the String "" (equates to 0 when used as a number)
- Changed: (Internal) More scriptfile.cpp optimization
- Changed: (Internal) Execute() recursion levels limited to 512 to prevent stack overflows
3.0.90 (20th Jan, 2004)
- Fixed: Serious nested IF bug
- Changed: (Internal) Rollback of variabletable.cpp and stacks/vectors
3.0.89 (19th Jan, 2004)
- Added: Method for standard library functions and includes
- Added: #include < > support (must be fully installed to work)
- Added: #include-once directive (put at the top of a file to make sure it is only
included once)
- Added: @UserName and @TempDir macros
- Fixed: Nasty fatal bug in 3.0.88
3.0.88 (18th Jan, 2004)
- Added: ElseIf
- Changed: All block structures (IF/WHILE/FOR, etc.) are now checked before execution.
- Fixed: Some single hotkeys not working
- Fixed: Better detection of illegal nesting, e.g.:
if 1 = 1
while 1
- Changed: (Internal) lots of error checking code removed as a nice side effect of
initial block structure checking
- Changed: (Internal) windows string functions (lstrcmp etc) moved back to C versions
due to massive performance penalty
3.0.87 (15th Jan, 2004)
- Changed: Aut2Exe stores files it can't compress (.zip etc) rather than expanding
- Fixed: Aut2Exe crashing if FileInstall used a file less than 4 bytes
- Fixed: Aut2Exe crashing with uncompressable files
- Fixed: RegRead not working correctly with large DWORD values
- Fixed: NOT fixed when skipped during a boolean expression
- Changed: (Internal) variable_table.cpp rewritten
- Changed: (Internal) All stacks/vectors replaced with templated code
3.0.86 (12th Jan, 2004)
- Added: Enhanced boolean comparisons
- Added: Send can hold keys down, e.g. Send("{a down}") will hold the A key down (only works usefully with games)
- Fixed: 0 ^ 0 = 1
- Fixed: on_top parameter of ProgressOn()
- Fixed: No longer hanging with blank search in StringReplace()
- Fixed: Asc() giving -1 in some cases
- Fixed: Tray icon's tip not updating when un-pausing
- Changed: Single keys of 0-9, a-z can no longer be used as hotkeys if alt,ctrl or win is NOT also used.
- Changed: (Internal) FPU assembler used for advanced math (sin,cos,pow, etc) functions due to
exe size problems under VC7
3.0.85 (9th Jan, 2004)
- Added: HotKeySet()
- Added: Abs(), Sin(), Cos(), Tan(), ASin(), ACos(), ATan(), Sqrt(), Log(), Exp()
- Added: ^ operator
- Added: Round()
- Added: Call()
- Changed: IniWrite/IniDelete() return 0 if they fail
- Changed: No longer need to use virtual keys for FileCreateShortcut()
- Fixed: Return value for FileCopy/FileInstall()
- Fixed: Incorrect use of ExitLoop/ContinueLoop trapped
- Changed: (Internal) Send() tweaking
- Fixed: (Internal) Function calling/scope slightly bugged (Adlib, Hotkey)
3.0.84 (30th Dec, 2003)
- Added: New window WinTitleMatchMode of 3 (for exact title match)
- Added: Some more details added to helpfile
- Changed: The key # is no longer used as a delimiter but as a left Win key combination. So
Send("#e") now presses the left win+e keys. I don't think anyone actually used
it as a delimiter anyway - it was just a left over from v1 and it never made
lines easier to read anyway
- Changed: FileReadLine() and FileWriteLine() modified so that they optionally accept a filename
instead of a filehandle for "quick 'n' dirty" file access - I'm sure this will be
popular :)
3.0.83 (30th Dec, 2003)
- Changed: Due to popular demand, by default functions now return 0 for error and 1 for success.
This affects the following functions: FileWriteLine, CDTray, DriveSetLabel, DirCreate,
DirRemove, FileCopy, FileMove, FileDelete, FileInstall, ClipPut, URLDownloadToFile,
RunAsSet, Shutdown, RegWrite, RegDelete, WinWait, WinWaitActive, WinWaitClose, WinWaitNotActive,
ProcessWait, ProcessWaitClose. If you were using the return values of one of
these functions then please check your scripts.
- Changed: ControlSend() supports {} (for most things at least...)
3.0.82 (29th Dec, 2003)
- Added: Files installed with FileInstall() now have original timestamps (created/modified)
- Added: IsNumber()
- Fixed: Number to string conversions and general float parsing
- Changed: (Internal) FileInstall() compression code updated
- Fixed: Yet more bugs with single line IF - regretting adding this feature already...
- Fixed: Bugs with NOT operator and the new variant code
- Fixed: Bug with clicking CANCEL on the open script window (introduced in 3.0.80)
- Fixed: StringIs... functions failing when using numbers as parameters
- Fixed: (Internal) VectorVariant modified to allow reference access to variants (instead of copying everytime)
3.0.80 (15th Dec, 2003)
- Changed: Number to String conversions tweaked
- Fixed: Massive bug fixed with arrays introduced in 3.0.76
- Fixed: Line continuation crash
- Changed: (Internal) script reading code updated for Aut2Exe and merged with AutoIt
3.0.79 (15th Dec, 2003)
- Added: Lines can be continued over many lines - use _ at the end of a line to continue it (as VBScript)
- Added: Single line IF statements possible
- Changed: Maximum line length (including total of combined lines) increased from 1023 to 4095 characters.
- Changed: "Then" keyword in IF statements no longer optional (helps with single line IFs)
MsgBox(0, "Test", "This is some text _
And more text _
And even more text")
3.0.78 (15th Dec, 2003)
- Changed: Variants work differently - no longer a seperate INTEGER type
- Changed: Float() changed to Number()
All numbers now 15digit precision (internal C double type)
Also affects Random() you will get floating point numbers back unless you use Int()
with the result
3.0.77 (30th Nov, 2003)
- Added: New option "TrayIconHide" (AutoItSetOption)
- Changed: "AutoIt -" prefix removed from compiled a script's tray icon
- Changed: Compiled script's file properties point to a custom web page
- Fixed: Tray icon should redraw after an explorer crash
3.0.76 (30th Nov, 2003)
- Fixed: Couple of bugs with ContinueLoop and ExitLoop
- Fixed: Statements like $test[$test[0]] now working
3.0.75 (30th Nov, 2003)
- Added: ControlGetFocus()
- Added: Local and Global keywords
- Changed: Dim (along with Local/Global) can now be used as in vbscript to declare variables
- Changed: FileOpenDialog() uses "|" as the delimiter instead of ","
- Fixed: PixelSearch()
- Fixed: SoundPlay()...maybe
- Fixed: Splash() sizing issues
- Added: Hex notation for integer numbers ($var = 10 or $var = 0xa)
- Added: MouseDown(), MouseUp()
- Added: TrayTip()
- Fixed: PixelCoordMode not working correctly
- Fixed: Compiled exes not producing random numbers
- Added: New option "RunErrorsFatal" (AutoItSetOption)
- Added: New option "ExpandEnvStrings" (AutoItSetOption)
- Changed: FileMove() moves/renames without affecting timestamps - can also be used
for directories
- Changed: RegRead/RegWrite() now supports REG_EXPAND_SZ
- Changed: Extra options added to FileGetTime()
- Changed: Extra 250ms delay added to start and end of mouse drags
- Fixed: Odd error message fixed where a user function contained a badly formatted line
- Fixed: Compiler was ignoring comments near FileInstall() functions
- Fixed: Memory leak in StatusBarGetText()
- Fixed: PixelGetColor
- Added: New option "PixelCoordMode" (AutoItSetOption)
Get ready for some script rewriting...*holds up banner with BETA written on it :) *
- Added: ControlSend()
- Added: Framework for AutoItSetOption() - note: this function replaces all
functions like WinSetDelay, SendSetDelay, MouseSetMode, etc.
- Removed: MouseSetMode(), SendSetCapslockMode(), SendSetDelay(), WinSetDelay(), WinSetDetectHiddenText()
- Fixed: SoundPlay()
- Removed: AutoItWinShow(), AutoItWinWrite(), AutoItWinGetText()
- Changed: ControlCommand() (updated with Larry's recent changes)
- Changed: RegRead() extended error codes
- Added: FileFindFirstFile(), FileFindNextFile()
- Added: AutoItWinGetTitle()
- Added: WinGetClientSize()
- Added: EnvUpdate()
- Added: SoundSetWaveVolume()
- Added: FileGetLongName(), FileGetShortName()
- Added: TimerStart(), TimerStop()
- Fixed: Small delay added into mouseclick functions
- Fixed: FileGetVersion()
- Fixed: WinMenuSelectItem()
- Fixed: StringSplit() buffer overrun
- Added: FileGetAttrib(), WinMenuSelectItem(), FileGetVersion()
- Added: Added options to ControlCommand()
- Changed: (Internal) Larry's nFlag functions split
- Changed: InputBox() narrowed slightly
- Fixed: AutoIt icon not refreshing if Return was used at top level of script
- Fixed: Crash with extra long lines fixed
- Fixed: @OS_VERSION weirdness fixed
- Changed: (Internal) MessagePump handled differently and recursion level of Execute() tracked
- Changed: StringSplit() returns full string in array if no delimiters matched (and count=1 not 0)
- Fixed: Crash related to window titles and text fixed.
- Added: ControlCommand() option GetCurrentLine
- Fixed: Possible bug with optional "Then" statement fixed
- (Internal) Window searching functions altered to check for hung windows
Fixed: IniWrite/Delete() functions were not flushing immediately under 9x.
Added: Errors now include the file name that contained the error
- Changed: ControlCommand() various internal changes.
- Fixed: MsgBox() character limit bug fixed
- Changed: Can now specify a custom time for AdlibEnable()
- Fixed: Aut2Exe icon changing code bugged
- Changed: Timing of "paused" flash and icon modified a little.
- Fixed: FileOpenDialog()
- Changed: (Internal)Encryption code modified - check compiling thoroughly
- Added: AutoIt icon flashes when in paused state
- Changed: Aut2Exe strips version info from compiled script. (Hoping to be custom versioninfo in future)
- Fixed: FileGetSize() (change made, unsure if problem fixed)
- Fixed: FileMove wasn't supported on 9x (9x has no MoveFileEx function, Dave... :) )
- Fixed: InputBox was not returning "" on cancel
- Fixed: The window text searching in AutoIt was not the same as AU3_Spy or WinGetText()
- Added: InputBox() (and very nice it is too...)
- Added: FileMove()
- Fixed: MsgBox under 9x was doing odd things with timeouts - tried something else.
- Fixed: Selecting the default icon in Aut2Exe was not saved between sessions
- Fixed: @OSLang under NT4...
- Added: SysTabControl32 tabbing
- Changed: Better icon support added to Aut2Exe
- Changed: (Internal) upx.exe called during the compiler to compress data -
necessary to do it this way as you can't edit the resources of a compressed
- Changed: SoundPlay()
- Fixed: Compiled scripts with custom icons were failing
- Fixed: @OS_LANG under 9x
- Added: StringSplit()
- Changed: SoundPlay() option to wait added
- Added: ChangeIcon support back in Aut2Exe (32x32x16) - Slightly better than v2 in that
a multiimage iconfile can be used - although only the 32x32x16 image is actually used.
- Fixed: Aut2Exe still used ' comments when including files -whoops.
- Changed: (Internal)A little error checking added to the lexer
- Added: @TAB, @COMSPEC
- Changed: MouseClick() parameters changed
- Added: MouseClickDrag()
- Fixed: Statusbar in Aut2Exe with Visual Styles
- Changed: Single line comment character is now ;
- Changed: ' and " may now be used for strings
- Added: StringIsFloat(), StringIsInt()
- Fixed: MsgBox() wasn't returning -1 on timeout
- Fixed: StringReplace() error if string to replace was at end of string
- Changed: StringReplace() count is now optional (assumes global)
- Added: Aut2Exe and AutoIt3 now use Visual Styles
- Changed: FileExists() to work with wildcards
- Changed: Extra options added to AutoItWinShow()
- Changed: RegRead returns the string "" in addition to @error if the (default) key was requested
and not found.
- Fixed: DriveGetDrive() (still an a: drive bug to find though)
- Fixed: RegDelete() return value when value does not exist
- Fixed: CDTray() open/closed problems
- Fixed: FileSelectFolder() crash due to missing initialisers
- Changed: Set...() functions renamed (SendSetDelay, WinSetDelay, etc.)
- Added: StatusbarGetText()
- Added: Break()
- Fixed: DriveStatus()
- Fixed: RegDelete()
- Fixed: @OSLang for 2000+
- Added: Hex(), AutoItWinGetText()
- Changed: UBound() back to how it was again (same as VBScript syntax)
3.0.42 (30th Aug, 2003)
- Tweaked: Mouse coords were 1 pixel out
- Added: MouseSetMode() to allow for screen _and_ relative coords - yay everyone's happy
3.0.41 (30th Aug, 2003)
- Fixed: Bug with invalid filehandles (again!).
- Changed: Mouse commands may now work on multiple monitors.
- Fixed: $CmdLine wasn't working correctly for compiled scripts.
- Fixed: The operator == wasn't properly comparing strings
- Fixed: INI functions, filename now doesn't need ".\file.ini" to work in the current directory
- Fixed: Bug in Run() directory would not be set if last parameter was used
- Added: Windows API error messages added onto errors for the Run() commands
(directory invalid, bad logon, etc).
3.0.39 (29th Aug, 2003)
- Added: RunAsSet() (2000/XP only)
- Added: FileRecycle()
3.0.38 (28th Aug, 2003)
- Changed: WinGetText now correctly takes note of detecthiddentext setting
- Added: StringStripWS()
- Added: DriveGetLabel(), DriveGetSerial(), DriveGetFileSystem(),
DriveSetLabel(), DriveGetType(), MouseGetCursor()
- Changed: Compression tweaked in Aut2Exe
- Changed: UBound($array) now returns number of dimensions
- Renamed all the IsUpper/IsAlpha, etc functions to StringIsUpper/StringIsAlpha, etc.
- Added: IsFloat(), IsArray(), IsInt(), IsString()
- Added: Mod()
- Fixed: Main dialog in Aut2Exe
- Added: New compression code (slower but better at higher levels)
- Added: FileInstall() support
- Added: SplashImageOn(), SplashTestOn(), SplashOff()
- Added: ProgressOn(), ProgressOff(), ProgressSet()
- Added: Compression level option in Aut2Exe
- Fixed: subscript must be > 0 in Dim statement
- Added: Compiled script reading code added
- Added: @Compiled
- Added: Aut2Exe
3.0.33 (22nd Aug, 2003)
- Added: Case Else
- Added: @DesktopWidth, @DesktopHeight
- Fixed: CDTray - closed/close
- Fixed: Incorrect reference passing of global variables
- Fixed: Bad file handle causing a crash in FileWrite/Read/Close
- Fixed: Crash with badly formatted Func statements
- Parsing speeded up (doubled the speed)
- Optimized string handling in variants
3.0.32 (20th Aug, 2003)
- Started proper version logging :)
First public beta binary - 4th Mar, 2003.
Development started - 20th Jan, 2003.